What is the Best Way to Aerate Your Lawn?

What is the Best Way to Aerate Your Lawn?

Lawn Aeration is the process of puncturing the lawn ground with small holes. This allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the grassroots. The process encourages the roots to grow deeply, resulting in a better, more vibrant lawn. Here is our guide to help you figure out the best way to aerate your lawn. lawn care services

Does Aerating Your Lawn Really Make A Difference?

Because of foot traffic, cutting, sandy clay, or inadequate drainage, the soil gets compacted and hardens with time. This stops water, air, and nutrients from reaching the roots. As a result, the grass thins, pales, or becomes spotty.Lawn aeration, the process of creating holes in the turf, breaks tough soil, allowing water and nutrients to infiltrate the grass roots more effectively.

Lawn Aerating Tools

Aerating equipment is classified into three types, ranging from small manual models to huge tractor-like machines:

Spike Aerators: This type of aerator pierces the soil with a firm spike. Some people aerate their lawns by strapping spiked aerator “soles” on their shoes. While these can aid on a local scale, they can also exacerbate compaction by forcing soil together.
Slicing Aerators: Rotating blades on slicing aerators cut through lawn and thatch and down into the soil. Slicing aerators, like spike aerators, leave soil in place, but they provide routes for air, water, and nutrients without adding to compaction.
Core or plug aerators: These aerators are commonly used by lawn professionals, employing rows of hollow forks.

When Should You Aerate Your Lawn?

Aerating cool-season grasses, it is best done in early fall or early spring. Aerating warm-season grasses is best done in late spring or early summer. When aeration occurs during active growth, grasses quickly rebound and refill in areas.

Here are few lawns Aeration Tips:

Choose the best time of year for your aeration to have the best results.
Irrigate the lawn thoroughly before aerating it.
Aerate your lawn when the grass is at its peak growth stage.
Incorporate overseeding with aeration

By incorporating aeration on your regular lawn maintenance task, you can guarantee your grass reaches its maximum thickness, health, and aesthetic potential. Looking for a lawn aerator in Bunnings? One Stop Hire is dedicated to providing the highest quality lawn care services to help you create the lawn of your dreams.